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We will answer your questions as soon as possible.
Click here to read the FHPOA Boardof Accomplishments 2021-2023
April Board Project Updates
Fiber-optic update:
Encompass now has the GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar machine – working effectively to map the water and electrical lines in Fairfield Harbour as they bore the new fiber lines. This will speed up the process and increase accuracy. The drilling is finished quickly, so the noise should not last more than a day if they work in front of your home. Encompass has a second crew that has started recently, totaling more than 30 employees. This week, they have begun Albatross Drive and are moving from Coral Reef Drive to Coral Reef Ct.
Special events committee:
The first Music under the Stars event of the season was a blast! FH danced and sang along to the Bears. See the full calendar under home page.
Birdland Marina:
The two-slip pedestals for Birdland Marina are en route and almost ready for installation. The old pedestals are past their lifespan and need replacing. Our maintenance staff will add the cleats to the dock.
Inner Harbour Bulk Heads: The repairs of the Inner Harbor seawall from the Shoreline Marina northward, which was budgeted for fiscal year 2023, are completed. The stainless-steel tiebacks, waterproofing, gravel, backfilling, support structure, panels, landscaping, and clean-up look great and should serve us well for the next 30 years! The 2024 budget covers repairing the additional seawall and the Shoreline Marina.
Harbour Club: The test pit excavations were successful and worth the precautionary effort. We do not need helical piers to support the foundation. This extra step showed that the helical piers weren't necessary, saving over 400k in materials and site work. The AIA contract has been sent to the appropriate parties for review.
Billboard: The Billboard is up and working! We will put specials and let the public know about Harbour Pointe Golf Club and The Pointe Restaurant. Harbour Pointe Golf Club has a new, shorter, and easier URL to remember – www.HPGC.golf
Harbour Pointe Golf Club (HPGC) Marketing: The enhancement committee is planning the 2024 ad campaign for HPGC. The 2023 winter campaign significantly increased reciprocal rounds of golf.
New FHPOA Platform: www.FH-POA.com is getting a new look. AppFolio is currently the platform for paying dues online, and we use Front Steps to house our documents. All our documents will now migrate to one platform - AppFolio. It is a user-friendly platform and will streamline and simplify the resident experience and upgrade our online payment portals. Our critical documents will be on the home page as you scroll through. It will be user-friendly on laptop, tablet, and mobile formats. Stay tuned for when it is ready to go live.
Paperless Billing for Annual POA dues: The annual POA dues billing went paperless this year, streamlining the process and saving you money on postage and printing. You should have received your annual dues starting March 1, 2024, via email. If you did not receive the email, please call the POA office at 252-633-5500. Remember payments are due by May 1, 2024, 4:30 pm. To ensure a hassle-free experience, please be sure your primary email is listed in Appfolio (our trusted payment portal) is the primary contact. Let's embrace this modern approach together!
Banner Program: Four Clubs bought new banners: Chorus, Road Gang, Castaways, and The Quilters. If your club wants a banner, contact David Pfefferkorn at dfpfeff@gmail.com or 252-229-7245.
Stormwater: All budgeted swales are complete.
Roads and Streets: The committee is negotiating the cart path repaving contract.
The Sinkhole on Gondolier Drive (the one that had major repairs a couple of years ago): CWS is aware- they've put extra cones in the area and are installing a piece of sheet metal over it. The lines will be cleaned out to allow a camera to see what exactly is happening so that a plan can be developed to fix what's going on underneath the road and then the road itself. Use caution in this area.
Road work on Caracara in the 1700 block: CWS is aware of the erosion in the repair area that was removed several weeks ago, and they plan to fill it in so it won't be so bumpy. At some point in the near future, it will be repaved.
February Board Projects Update
2024 Budget meeting: The 2024 FH Budget meeting was held on January 23, 7 pm at the Community Center. Thank you to all who came out for the Budget Meeting. We were able to accommodate 170 people with standing room only. For the first time this year, we were able to have a live stream on YouTube so that everyone could watch from home. It was great to have so much participation from the residents. Approximately 327 viewers watched the presentation live, and almost 1400 viewers watched the meeting last week. Click this link to view the recorded video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brc3Zp5LHmo
Harbour Club: Over the last month, the Committee has narrowed its focus to only three eligible contractors that meet our requirements and can complete the project within budget.
Now that the annual budget is completed and the over-55 community is no longer a viable project,
The Board can now focus sooner with our banking representatives to move forward with the funding aspect of this great project.
Birdland Marina: Birdland Marina rebuild is moving along nicely. After receiving bids from several contractors, seeing examples of their past work, and considering pricing, work quality, and availability, FH selected Riverfront Docks & Seawalls, a contractor specializing in heavily-constructed docks using concrete “hog slat” decking. The concrete decking will be higher above the water than the old dock, keeping them "dry" during "routine" storms. This increased height and dry decking will also make boarding/securing your vessel easier & safer in adverse conditions. See the full article for more detailed information. Click here for the full article.
Fiber Work Starting: You may have seen the "locate flags" start to be placed this week near the HP gate area. The POA office surrounding the area of Shipyard Point is the first location to see the start of the fiber project. Crews from Encompass will be working, so please be aware and careful near the work areas. We will update you with the latest locations as we become aware. For more information on FHN, click here.
Billboard on Highway 55 and Broad Creek Road: Construction for the billboard is almost complete - the drone shot of Harbour Point Golf Club Hole #17 is up and looks stunning. The FH Maintenance Department is installing the electrical for the digital sign and night lighting. The large poles will be painted with a rust-proof product, and our vendor partner will frame the billboard. The billboard will advertise Harbour Pointe Golf Club (HPGC) and The Pointe Restaurant. Harbour Pointe Golf Club has a new, shorter, and easier URL to remember – www.HPGC.golf
Fairfield Harbour Marketing: Ads for HPGC were placed in the County Compass, Taberna Community newsletter, Greenbriar newsletter, and New Bern Magazine. The advertising focused on the membership drive and reciprocal play. HPGC had six reciprocal rounds ($212.22) and 33 guest rounds ($1,188.) Historically, January and February are our slowest months of the year. We've recorded 26 new golfers this month, with Facebook and Golf Moose (third-party dealer) listed as the sources.
New FHPOA Platform: www.FH-POA.com is getting a new look. AppFolio is currently the platform for paying dues online, and we use Front Steps to house our documents. All our documents and communications will now migrate to one platform - AppFolio. It is a user-friendly platform and will streamline and simplify the resident experience and upgrade our online payment portals. Our critical documents will be on the home page as you scroll through. AppFolio enables the POA staff to send vital information and tools directly and promptly to the residents. It will be user-friendly on laptop, tablet, and mobile formats. Stay tuned for when it is ready to go live.

March Board Project Updates
Inner Harbour Bulk Heads:
Repairs to Shoreline Bulkhead. This photo shows the panel installation, wooden structure, and waterproof mat filled with gravel and dirt. The tieback rods were installed before the backfilling began.
The repairs of the Inner Harbor seawall from the Shoreline Marina northward, which were budgeted for fiscal year 2023, are completed. The stainless-steel tiebacks, waterproofing, gravel, backfilling, support structure, panels, landscaping, and clean-up all look great and should serve us well for the next 30 years! The 2024 budget covers repairing the additional seawall and the Shoreline Marina.
Fiber-optic update:
Encompass is making progress on the fiber installation in the Harbour. The large and loud machine they use is known as a directional drill. The drilling is finished quickly, so the noise should not last more than a day if they work in front of your home.
Encompass was authorized to purchase a GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), which will increase accuracy and speed up the process when boring. This video shows how the fiber installation process works.
Special events committee:
The Events Committee is setting the 2024 schedule, and the complete lineup of fun events will be released soon. The first Music under the Stars event of the season is the popular dance band – The Bears. Save the date to hear The Bears on Saturday, April 20, at 6 pm at Pelican Park. Food trucks will be available.
Birdland Marina:
Birdland Marina is almost completed. The marine contractor is getting quotes for the pedestal installation; our plan is to have one pedestal service two boat slips. Our maintenance staff is adding the cleats to the dock.
Harbour Club:
The Harbour Club committee is in the architectural review phase with Dunn and Dalton and meets every two weeks via Zoom. The Committee has narrowed its focus to three eligible contractors that meet our requirements and can complete the project within budget. We are scheduled to deliver the construction documents. The Harbour Club committee and our Board Treasurer are talking with two banks about financing.
The billboard is almost complete. The contractor is waiting for the final permit approval to turn on the electricity for the digital sign and night lighting. The billboard advertises Harbour Pointe Golf Club (HPGC) and The Pointe Restaurant. Harbour Pointe Golf Club has a new, shorter, and easier URL to remember – www.HPGC.golf
Harbour Pointe Golf Club (HPGC) Marketing:
Ads for HPGC were placed in the County Compass, Taberna Community newsletter, Greenbrier newsletter, and New Bern Magazine. The advertising focuses on the membership drive and reciprocal play. Our reciprocal rounds of golf have increased significantly since the advertising campaign started.
New FHPOA Platform:
www.FH-POA.com is getting a new look. AppFolio is currently the platform for paying dues online, and we use Front Steps to house our documents. All our documents will now migrate to one platform - AppFolio. It is a user-friendly platform and will streamline and simplify the resident experience and upgrade our online payment portals. Our critical documents will be on the home page as you scroll through. It will be user-friendly on laptop, tablet, and mobile formats. Stay tuned for when it is ready to go live. The migration is expected to be completed by March 15.
Paperless Billing for Annual POA dues:
We're thrilled to announce that our annual POA dues billing is going paperless this year, streamlining the process and saving you money on postage and printing. Starting March 1, 2024, anticipate receiving your annual dues conveniently via email. Don't forget payments are due by May 1, 2024. To ensure a hassle-free experience, please make sure the email listed in Appfolio (our trusted payment portal) is the primary contact. Let's embrace this modern approach together!
Project updates
January Board Projects Update
Harbour Club: No new news; the architectural study is still in progress.
Birdland Marina: Birdland Marina is being rebuilt and replaced with Hog Slat Concrete construction. The substructure of 1x10s” has been replaced with 4x10s” pressure-treated headers. We are using 5/8” galvanized timber bolts, washers, and nuts. We are rebuilding to last. This construction is permanent, rot-proof, resist storm uplift, has zero maintenance and no splitting or splinters, and will stabilize the pilings.
Fiber: The staging ground for Fairfield Harbour Network (FHN) is near completion. The area adjacent to the Community Center is fenced in and cables are delivered. Those large orange rolls of cable are the wiring needed for laying the fiber. Fiber installation schedule will be released when we know.
For more information on FHN click here.
Billboard on Highway 55 and Broad Creek Road: Construction for the billboard has begun. The billboard will advertise Harbour Pointe Golf Club (HPGC) and The Pointe Restaurant.
Fairfield Harbour Marketing: Ads for HPGC were placed in the County Compass, Taberna Community newsletter, Greenbriar newsletter, and New Bern Magazine. The advertising focused on the membership drive and reciprocal play. According to Brian Joyner, HPGC manager, “We had a total of 32 reciprocal rounds during the month of December totaling $1152. Compared to December of 2022 where we had 13 reciprocal rounds totaling $468.” Advertising is working!
2024 Budget meeting: Set for January 23, 7pm, community center.
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FHPOA Board of Directors Accomplishments in
Two Years – 2021-2023
Financial Perspective
This board decided to run this $4 million-dollar incorporated community like a business.
Started viewing the amenities from the 385 purchases as revenue generating businesses.
Harbour Pointe Golf Club, The Pointe Restaurant, Shoreline Marina
Created standalone P&L statements for each of our of these businesses
Negotiated a new contract not just a Golf management contract but a community management contract.
We found creative ways to increase revenue and reduce liability.
Appealed with the tax department on each reappraised POA owned lot and won 95% of the 62 appeals and reduced our tax exposure by $333,750.
Began the legal argument that certain common properties which are NOT amenities are being used as potential profit centers and as such can help offset POA dues for its members should be TAX EXEMPT. That’s another potential $1.9 million in tax exposure reduction.
Use Economies of Scale when doing infrastructure projects
Instead of parsing out this money for every committee each new budget cycle, those funds rotate so you are making an impact vs. patching everything.
Each committee still gets its average yearly run rate for needed repairs and contingencies but in their designated year gets a bigger bang for the buck when making large improvements.
Last year was Roads and Streets. They paved all of Santa Lucia, Spinnaker, ½ of Canavan, the entrances to the community, dog park and pickleball, Truist/ATM parking area, expansion for food trucks, 4 Golf Cart paths at Harbour Pointe and Red Sail Park went from dirt to asphalt parking.
This Year will be Waterfront. Birdland Marina will be built using hog slats for the dock and finger piers. Plus, nearly 500’ of Navy-Style flat panel seawall. Both projects are using new materials and methods. These commercial applications can be an option to homeowners in the future.
Revenue-generating ideas that were implemented.
Rotating art at the Pointe
Curbside pickup
Lunch Box Program
Special Events at the Pointe
Palm Trees
Mosquito Program
Golf Membership Packages
Land Development Fee (effective July 1st.)
Tennis/Pickleball Lessons
International Night
Top Shelf Spirits
240 Club
New Merchandise w/ new logos
Selling excess POA properties to help pay down the 385 loan.
Purchase of Broad Creek Road property to advertise FH and potentially lease the land as an income-generating venture.
Rebrand and Refresh
Developed a new logo for Fairfield Harbour to represent positive growth and new direction.
Installed new signage throughout the community.
Developed a new logo for the Pointe Restaurant to position it as a friendly neighborhood pub where “Everybody knows your name.”
We completely renovated the Pointe Restaurant, which features a new server station, an enclosed exterior with shiplap, new paint, new carpet and flooring, and top-of-the-line liquors. The new carpet, tablecloths, and baffles help absorb sound and improve acoustics.
Started a Rotating Art Program with FH artist displaying their work.
Special events include bands every Thursday night, dinner theater, a Roaring 20s party, Halloween parties, an NFL ticket, and more.
Installed exterior landscape lighting and sidewalk to the parking lot
Harbour Pointe Golf Club
New Golf cart paths
Exterior landscape lighting
Hydration station
Tidy up and secure your golf and restaurant equipment under the cart barn
New Golf Carts
Update the HPGC website.
Improve communication through the Beacon.
Launch advertising campaigns to promote HPGC and The Pointe.
Land Development and Building
Developed two-step process that solved two major problems.
First comes the land …. This makes sure any development doesn’t affect the delicate balance of our current stormwater system and becomes an integral part of the solution.
By doing this part first it’s not an afterthought or not completed at ALL … especially after the builder has sold the home.
And lastly, it’s an option for people to prepare their property for future development and a likely sale without having to submit fake building plans.
FH is considered one of the saftest communities in Craven County according to Sherrif Chip Hughes. FHPOA is committed to keeping it that way by reducing the speed limit to the nationwide community standard limit – 30 mph and enforcing the speed limit.
Established a Craven County Sheriff’s Office substation on Campus for selected administrative needs and increase the level of safety.
Partnering with a private company to build our own Fiber Network
All network equipment will be on our campus.
Provision for CCTV at key entry points and common areas
Enables RFID technologies.
Basic Package - $119.99 per month, *Plus, taxes and government fees
Internet speed of 300 mbps
True symmetry. This means BOTH down and uploads. No more throttling at peak times and inconsistent speeds
70 Cable Stations on the Dish Network
Beamed to central location on campus …. No dish on your house
Unlimited Calling
In the event of emergency responders have your location.
Any Increase will be capped at 4% per year
This private network hasn’t exercised this in a decade
Extras like ESPN, HBO and Premium Channels are ala carte.
This partnership has the potential of $250,000 annually
If the entire Community gets on board and support your OWN network the number will be north of $600,000 annually
55+ Community – the FHPOA board will not pursue the 55+ patio homes based on community input and the 2023 Survey.

The Harbour Club
The Harbour Club will be part of the Fairfield Harbour amenities. Membership of the Harbour Club is for Fairfield Harbour residents and their guests.
Find out the answers to these questions.
Why move the POA offices to the Harbour Club?
How do the property owners benefit?
How will this be paid for?
What happens to old facilities?
Why was there not a vote to approve the expenditure on the Harbour Club?
Fairfield Harbour Network (FHN)
Fairfield Harbour understands that having a reliable internet service is more than convenience — it’s an essential feature in today’s world. The right internet provider turns houses into smart homes and neighborhoods into connected communities. Fiber optic networks bring the future of connected living right into your home with internet, streaming, cable, and phone services.
Find out the answers to these questions.
How do the property owners benefit?
Is there any cost associated with this to the POA?
What is the probable timeline to start the project?
Who is American Fiber Infrastructure and Hosted America?

How is the 385 loan being paid?
Due to legal restrictions, YOUR POA DUES CANNOT pay for the 385 loan…and they never have. The loan is paid from non-dues income. Non-dues are everything other than dues, consisting of:
Marina dues
Golf revenue
The Pointe restaurant revenues
Boat storage
Income from administrative offices: late fees, fines, copies, faxes, merchandise, etc.

FHPOA Board of Directors Accomplishments 2021-2023
The FHPOA Board of Directors has been hard at work making a positive impact on Fairfield Harbour. Here are some of the accomplishments in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Find out more information on these topics.
Financial Perspective
Rebrand and Refresh Fairfield Harbour
Land Development and Building
55+ Community