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2025 Spring Cleanup

contributed article

Debris Pick-up:

Fairfield Harbour will begin our Spring Cleanup for leaf and limb debris beginning on

March 3rd, 2025. At this time residents will be allowed to place yard debris on the street

side in the right-of-way for our maintenance team to remove. We will pick up bagged/

loose leaves, and limbs (please no longer than 6ft long and less than 10 inches in


The maintenance department will deploy a loose-leaf vacuum as well as a

chipper for removal of the yard debris, we ask that you please keep loose-leaf piles

separate from limb piles. This will limit sticks and limbs causing unnecessary strain on

the leaf vacuum and keep the crew on schedule.

Also, we do not have the ability to accept large root balls over 10 inches in diameter, or piles of rock/ dirt. If you have a larger root ball you wish to put out for pickup, please have it split to fit the criteria, piles of rock/ dirt however are time-consuming because removal must be handled manually with a shovel, which greatly slows the process and puts the crew behind

schedule. These items would be better used to fill low areas, spread in natural areas

of your property, or taken to the convenience center on Hwy 55.

Lastly, we will not remove treated lumber, metal, plastics, or anything that could be considered contrition debris/ household garbage.

Please have your pile on the street by the Monday of your designated week. Anything put on the roadside between your designated Monday – Friday is not guaranteed to be picked up if the crew has passed your property.

Thank you for taking part in this program to help make Fairfield Harbour a little bit cleaner!


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