One in three US families with young children struggles to provide enough diapers to keep their babies or toddlers clean, dry, and healthy. The cost of diapers hits low-wage families the hardest and current public support programs help some families, but not many. Most childcare facilities require parents to provide diapers for their children. Nationally, 57% of parents experiencing diaper needs who rely on childcare reported they missed an average of four days of school or work in the past month because they didn’t have diapers. To help meet the diaper need for Craven County families who struggle to pay for diapers, Craven Smart Start will be sponsoring a diaper drive, “From the Bottom-Up Diaper Drop and Distribution” during the month of November, with diaper distribution starting in December.
Craven Smart Start is currently seeking individuals and groups who would like to help meet the diaper need. Individuals, school groups, church circles, civic organizations, and businesses are encouraged to collect packages of diapers and/or wipes and to “drop” them off at Craven Smart Start’s office and Resource Lending Library between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday during the month of November. Craven Smart Start is located at 2111 Neuse Boulevard, Suite F in New Bern. For more information about Craven
Smart Start’s diaper drive contact Pinkie Moore, Community Outreach Coordinator, at or call Craven Smart Start at (252) 672-5921.
Craven Smart Start is a 501©3 public-private partnership that works with partnering agencies to build a foundation for learning for Craven County children, birth to five, by providing access to high-quality early childhood education and by providing them with essential health and family support, so they enter kindergarten healthy and ready to learn. For more information about Craven Smart Start, visit www.cravensmartstart.or