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Don't Shoot the Messenger

Contributed article

Recently our new gate officers from Sunstate have been getting an inordinate amount of

disrespect from residents, visitors, and contractors. This has come in the form of

inappropriate language, gestures, heated telephone, and direct confrontations. They do

not deserve this verbal and physical abuse as they are simply trying to follow and

enforce procedures and regulations, most of which have been in place for some time.

Some of these procedures and regulations were previously unfortunately not properly

followed or enforced. Most were established for the safety and well-being of our

residents, visitors, and property owners. The Safety and Security Committee, with

approval of the POA Board, has been reviewing, updating, and requesting Sunstate to

closely follow the written procedures provided. Sometimes this may cause a slight to

moderate delay in getting through the gates. It is requested that all residents, property

owners, contractors and visitors have some patience and understanding as our

Sunstate gate officers try to directly follow the established procedures and regulations.

With some newer technology soon to be introduced to the community, some

modifications and improvements to safety and security procedures will require

everyone’s attention, patience and understanding. As we move forward, please respect,

have patience with, and cooperate with our Sunstate Officers. If there are issues or

incidents which need to be addressed, please have the POA office put you in touch with

a Safety and Security Committee (SSC) Member to assist with resolving them. It is not

up to the POA Office staff to address these issues.

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