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Fairfield Harbour Garden Club

Barbara Monico Paulsen

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

The Fairfield Harbour Garden Club welcomed autumn at the October meeting with a Harvest

Potluck. It was a great opportunity for members to catch up with fellow gardeners while

enjoying members favorite recipes.

The next meeting of the Garden Club will be November 14 th at 9:30am in the FH Community

Center. The speaker will be FH Harbor resident Jack Halweg.  The title of his presentation is:

I’m not a Gardener; Fifty Years as a Professional Landscaper, Ask Me Anything.  So,

bring your questions if you need a professional’s opinion. Everyone is invited to come learn a few gardening tips and tricks from Jack.

Annual FHGC raffle baskets

Your last opportunity to purchase tickets for the FABULOUS annual FHGC raffle baskets will be at the November 14th meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting the winners will be drawn.

Chery McAskill and her team have put together three exciting baskets: a Spa Basket, a Wine

and Cheese Basket and a Future Wine Basket.

Scarecrow Contest

As part of the FH Craft Fair, the Garden Club sponsored a Scarecrow Contest. Five teams

entered handmade scarecrows.

The teams were:

Team A.

Jan Reitzel

Carolyn Hansen

Sharon Nash

Julie Finlayson

Team B.

Lucille Durst

Jane Haeussler

Team C.

Kathy Hallquist

Darlene Cleveland

Team D.

Carrie Berry

Ann Thomas

Cindy Scalion

Joy Harsen

Maureen McNeill

Team E.

Phyllis Godwin

Kathy Trexler

Jenny Nebe

Marcia Werneke

Larna Griffin

The scarecrow with the most votes – the winner (as decided by the number of tickets in the box) was Scarecrow A. Congratulations Team A.

The scarecrows were raffled off at the end of the event. The winners of the scarecrows were:

A: Debbie

B: Eileen

C: Roberto

D: Lynn

E: Karen

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first-time event. Approximately $175.00 was raised to support the Garden Club’s scholarship program.

The Yard of the Month

The Yard of the Month Committee for FH Garden Club, led by Carolyn Hansen Committee

Chair, has chosen 2148 Royal Pines Drive as October 2022 Yard of the Month Winner. The

homeowners are James and Deborah Harris.

James and Deborah Harris, 2148 Royal Pines

This lawn is well groomed with several flower beds in front of the house with periwinkle and lantana plants. There is a large island in the front of the property with a variety of flowers including, lantana in various colors, lemon grass and periwinkle plants. Drive by to appreciate

this landscape. Congratulations, to James and Deborah Harris for winning October 2022 Yard of the Month.

The Yard of the Month scouts have been out in October to decide on the November YOM. This will be presented at the November Garden Club meeting. The scouts will then take a break until March when they will be out again seeking the April winner.

Remember the Craven County Master Gardener Volunteer Association Annual spring blooming bulb sale. November 1 is that last day to order bulbs at

At the October Meeting, Soo Klein shared information on Lasagna Gardening. Fall is the

optimum time to start your Lasagna Garden. If you are interested in starting a new garden bed, with minimal effort, here is information on the process:

Remember the next Garden Club meeting is November 14th at 9:30 am with speaker Jack

Halweg and everyone is invited.

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