The May meeting of the Fairfield Harbour Garden Club included the election of the Board of Directors for next year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). Phyllis Godwin presented the following candidates for the 2023/2024 Board.
Nominated Slate:
· President - Cheryl McAskill,
· Vice President - Pam Kubik,
· 2nd Vice President -Susan Klein,
· Treasurer - Jan Reitzel,
· Asst. Treasurer -Barbara Paulsen
· Secretary – Yvonne Meissner
· Corresponding Secretary - Kathy Hallquist
The membership approved the new Board, which will be installed at the June Meeting.
The Garden Club is pleased to announce that two scholarships have been awarded to local high school graduates. Hazel Alcock shared the names of the two students that met this year’s qualifications for the Fairfield Harbor Scholarship. They are:
· Piper Branton from West Craven High School
· Marcus Tyson from Pamlico High School
They will each receive a $1,000.00 Scholarship. Both winners will attend NC State in the fall. Piper and Marcus participated in the President's Luncheon (following the Garden Club meeting) to receive their certificates.
(Thank you to everyone who supported the scholarship fund through your donations and purchase of raffle tickets.)
At the May meeting, the membership votes on the annual membership fee for the next year as per the organization’s By-Laws. All favored keeping the yearly costs at $10.00 per household.
At the President’s Luncheon, Jan Reitzel presented Lucille Durst with a beautiful gardenia shrub to thank her for her years of service to the club on the Board and various committees. Lucille also received a beautiful notecard signed by the Board. Lucille then thanked everyone for their thoughtfulness.
Door Prizes were presented at the President’s Luncheon. Lucille Durst and Jane Haeussler made up six assorted table plant decorations. The plants were raffled off after the luncheon. Winners were:
· Lucille Durst
· Pam Kubik
· Barbara Paulsen
· Marcus Tyson (Scholarship Winner)
· Piper Branton’s (Scholarship Winner) Mother, Viola
· Pat Manfredi
Fairfield Harbour Garden Club Yard of the Month May 2023, winner.
The Yard of the Month Committee for Fairfield Harbour Garden Club chose 6004 Cassowary Lane as the outstanding yard in Fairfield Harbour as the May Winner.
Dennis and Betty Evans have a lovely eye appealing yard. Upon first looking at the 6004 Cassawary Lane yard, you see a healthy grouping of well-maintained rose bushes and a beautiful, manicured lawn. Several garden areas are noted in the front yard, with Crepe Myrtle trees, an Almond Tree, which flowers early spring, and various shrubs. Among this garden area is a Pineapple plant, displaying its dark purple color. Closer to the driveway is Endor, which is a low-spreading shrub. Planted among the shrubs is a collection of various Amaryllis bulbs, which a previous neighbor, Dirk, and Tini VanZyverden, gave to Dennis and Betty 15-20 years ago. These bulbs have now multiplied to more than 50. The VanZyverden family, according to Dennis, were the first to export tulips from Holland and then Amaryllis from South Africa. Close to the front steps of the Evans home is a rose garden with flowering bushes full of blooms.
The hard work Dennis puts into his yard is truly on display, and his love of gardening is evident.
Submitted by Carolyn Hansen
Committee Chairperson - Yard of the Month
Fairfield Harbour Garden Club
Next Meeting
The June meeting of the Garden Club will be on June 12, starting at 9:30 am in the FH Community Center. The meeting will include the installation of officers, followed by a light brunch and social time. All are invited to attend.
There are no garden club meetings during the summer months. The first fall meeting will be on September 11, 2023. Information about the meeting and the speaker will be shared in forthcoming Beacon articles and on the Fairfield Harbour Garden Club Website (
Interesting Note (From BH&G magazine): 7% - That's how much people boosted their well-being after they started gardening twice a week.
Happy Gardening