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Barb Robinson

FHYC February 2024 General Meeting

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

This was the second General Meeting of 2024 with Commodore Craig Myler at the helm.  We were unable to provide a video feed for the meeting but hopefully that will be back up and running in the near future.

Commodore Myler led off the meeting by discussing preventive actions to use on all COVID-19 Community Levels.  Although hospitalizations are low in North Carolina, we do have Covid in the Harbour and members should be up to date on vaccinations. If you are not feeling well – stay home, and seek treatment if you have COVID-19 and are at a high risk of getting very sick.

The Policy and Guidelines for the club have been brought up to date.  They can be found on our website.  What is really helpful is that the Policy and Guidelines are now active on the website which means that you can click on the index to search rather than having to go through the entire document.

At their last meeting, the FHYC Board approved the Photo of the Month.  Each member can submit a photo they have taken to be voted on by the membership.  The rules will be published on our website and the FHYC Facebook page.

The 2024 yearbook is now published and delivered.  Commodore Myler encouraged everyone to look through the book.  Each membership received two copies of the yearbook – one for your home and one for your boat.  Also included in the packet was the Reservation information for the Commodore's Ball which is March 21 at Carolina Colours.  If you did not receive and reservation card or if you have questions, please contact Janice Myler or Kathy Sansone.

This year FHYC is proposing two off-site cruises: one to the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin and one to the British Virgin Islands.  Information can be found on the FHYC Facebook or contact the cruise leaders.  Russ Robinson for the Apostle Islands (715-416-1439) or Craig Myler for the BVI (240-405-5348).  If you are interested please contact these leaders shortly.  Boat space is filling up quickly.

The program for the evening was titled “Youth Sailing”.  PC Doug King presented information on the youth sailing programs that have been in the Fairfield Harbour over the years.  He discussed the importance of teaching the next generation of sailors (power or sail) about being on the water safely and the fun of being on the water.  PC King has been involved in both the NJROTC program through the high school and the Edward Teach Youth Sailing Association.  He highlighted some of the teaching techniques to help the young sailors understand about wind, wind direction, safety on the water and the rules of sailing.  The Edward Teach Youth Sailing Program runs in the summer so if you have grandchildren visiting, they might be interested in being enrolled in one of the sessions.  Contact Doug King for more information. (919-608-2437).

Five visitors were welcomed.  They were: Angie Doucet (guest of Doug and Kathie King), Chris and Barbara Barajas (guest of Commodore Craig and Janice Myler), Rod and Chris Nettleson (guests of Tom Graves), Neil and Nancy Whitehead (guests of Director Peter Clay) and Darin Bradley (guest of Director Delle Curry and PC Sam Curry).

This month we celebrated several anniversaries of our members:  Margaret Rose – 32 years, Sam and Delle Curry – 25 years, Anita English – 22 years. PC George and Lynn Statehamd – 20 years, and Director Dave and Carrie Miller – 5 years.  Congratulations and thank you for your continued support of the club.

Many of you know that the club is celebrating its 40th anniversary.  One of the ways is the FHYC cookbook.  A BBQ fundraising event was held earlier this month.  The bottom line, the cooks raised $1,463 towards the printing of the cookbook.  The book is scheduled to be ready in April.  To pre-order and pay you can get your check for $30 made out to 'FHYC” to Erin Vergot.  Call her at 252-229-1942.  After the book is published the cost of the book will be $35.

This past week we had the Soup Cook off.  Ten soups were entered.  The winners will be posted on the FHYC Facebook page.

Big Congratulations to the FHYC entry in the NYRA Winter Series regatta, Georgie Girl. Captain Rear Commodore John Jackson, helmsman Russ Robinson and crew Dan Baker and PC Ritchie Thomson.  Georgie Girl won the Navigator Class.  This is the second year in a row that an FHYC boat has won the NYRA Winter Navigator class.

Coming up in March is the next Education Seminar on March 15 at 0900 hours in Activity Room 2.  The topic is “It's Electric” by John Myer.  If you have questions, contact Steven Hart (919-801-2617).  Also in March is the Annual Sock burning on March 23 at Red Sail Park 1500 hours.  BYOB and a snack to share.

AND THE WINNER IS.... Darlene DeFigueiredo won the 50/50 raffle and it was her birthday to boot!.  Congratulations Darlene.

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