On February 10, 2025 the Garden Club welcomed two new members!
This month’s speaker was David Hite from Tryon Palace Gardens. David gave an interesting presentation on “Crop Rotation and Crop Covering”
Crop Rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons. This reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Cover crops are plants used to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested. This also reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides plus helps to add nutrients to the soil. It also helps to aerate, hydrate and add organic matter to the soil.

Scholarship Fund:
Every year the Garden Club presents one $1,000.00 scholarship to a qualified student in the Craven or Pamlico counties. The students must be enrolled in or attending a college seeking a degree in horticulture or related studies. Applications may be obtained on the Garden Club website at https://fhgardenclub.com. Completed applications may be sent to Mrs. Hazel Alcock at 107 Walnut Way, New Bern 28560 or email at hazelalcock@suddenlink.net. If you need additional information you may contact her at 252-514-7303.
Day Trip:
The Garden Club has an exciting day trip planned to Carolina Home and Gardens on May 6th. The cost for the lecture and lunch is $25.00.If you are interested in gardening and want to learn more or share your ideas with other gardeners, please consider joining the Garden Club. This is just one of our many activities.
Door Prizes
Lucille Durst handed out two pots of planted daffodils. The winners were Carolyn Berry and Pamela Dion.
Our next Garden Club Meeting will be March 10, 2025 at 9:30 at the Community Center.
The speaker will be Kate Castle, the Fairfield Harbour POA Gardener. Kate will be speaking on everything that she does to keep Fairfield Harbour beautiful. Everyone is welcome to attend.