On January 13,2025 the Garden Club held it’s first meeting of 2025.
The members welcomed Bob Forsyth and Mary McLean who gave an interesting presentation on weeds.
Scholarship Fund:
Every year the Garden Club presents one $1,000.00 scholarship to a qualified student in the Craven or Pamlico counties. The students must be enrolled in or attending a college seeking a degree in horticulture or related studies. Applications may be obtained on the Garden Club website at https://fhgardenclub.com . Completed applications may be sent to Mrs. Hazel Alcock at 107 Walnut Way, New Bern 28560 or email at hazelalcock@suddenlink.net
If you need additional information you may contact her at 252-514-7303.
Door Prizes:
Lucille Durst handed out Garden Flags for Solar Garden Stake Lights as door prizes. The winners were: Sharon Nash, Jane Haeussler, Pat LePera-Manfredi, and Judy DuPree.
Our next Garden Club Meeting will be February 10, 2025 at 9:30 at the Community Center. The speaker will be David Hite of Tryon Palace. The presentation will be “Crop Rotation”. Everyone is invited to attend.