On Friday, July 21, the Fairfield Harbour Pickleball Club held a Round Robin tournament; hopefully the first of many! Sixteen players from our club signed up in advance to compete, with slots filling up in record time.
Players followed a randomly-generated game schedule for the evening and earned points based on scores within each game. A tally was kept after each game and top total-point-earners were awarded at the end of the tournament.

Top Winners: Ladies
Ellen McElree
Sheila Kahrimanian
Karen Powers

Top Winners: Men
Glenn Wible (also, Top Overall)
Rick Finlayson
Kevin Anderson
Tournament Players:
Mike Kahrimanian
Sandy Thinguldstad
Robert Del Busto
Phil Hewett
Julie Finlayson
Leigh Butler
Leigh Rosalyn
Michelle Esmacher
Matt Esmacher
Paul Girard
Several other club members, as well as several guests, were also in attendance to enjoy a night of fellowship, pickleball, refreshments, and fun. Our club always has a good turnout for its event nights and is looking forward to organizing more in the future, including an All Ladies’ and an All Men’s Round Robin Tournament.
Stay tuned for more info. In the meantime, come out and join us!