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Anne Griffith

Time for a New Year's Resolution? Consider Joining FH's T'ai Chi Group

Consider Joining FH's T'ai Chi Group

Fairfield Harbour's T'ai Chi group will begin a new class on Thursday, January 5, 2023. Class meets from 8:40 to 9:40 each Thursday morning in the Community Center. Masks are required.

The first half of the class is dedicated to Qi Gong exercises; the second half to learning the T'ai Chi Ch'uan long form, ala Fairfield Harbour. Both T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qi Gong are slow, low-impact exercises that concentrate on developing flexibility, balance, breath control, focus, and memory.

If you have any questions before the new class begins, you may contact the group by email at or text or leave a phone message for Anne Griffith at 607-435-7965. She will get back to you.

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