Hello from your FHPOA Library. Welcome to November. The library is open Monday through Friday from 8 am-8 pm. We have a return cart near the door for you to return borrowed items. There is a large, labeled bin for new donations next to the table in the library room. Please refer to our donations list on the front of the door to the library for what we take and what we do not take.
For Your Consideration
The library exists and operates solely on donations. We have a wonderful selection of fiction, non-fiction, and biography/autobiography books to loan. We also have DVD’s, talking books, and puzzles. This selection could not exist without all of you so thank you for all the donated resources. I get lots of questions about donations. Let’s unpack our suitable item list (posted on the bookcase by the table) to help everyone get a better understanding of what items belong in the POA library.
We gladly accept your gently used and loved reads to share with our community.
Make sure books are clean and undamaged.
We do not accept cookbooks, coffee table books, self-help books, DIY books, or religious books. Unfortunately, we do not have the space.
If you are cleaning out items or moving, look through your books. We do not take damaged books, books with torn pages, water-damaged books, or books with stains, or evidence of mold. I know… this seems obvious, and yes, we have actually received items like this. The librarians have to curate and dispose of old damaged books (I hate throwing out books -I bet you do too.) So please be considerate of your volunteer librarians and dispose of your books that meet the unsuitable criteria above.
Book Club Books
We are also accepting any book club donations to add new authors to the library collections. If you have finished with your book club book would you reach out to your fellow members and see if they would donate their book club book? That way we can have a set to offer for folks wanting to read some good current authors and reads.
Beverages, Biscuits and Books
We would like to thank our 5-year-old donor Everly Thanio. Everly lives on Cara Cara and kindly donated books to our children’s section. If you are looking for a good book check out Everly’s book Cliffard and the Big Storm. Thanks so much Everly for your donation. Your Clifford book will get lots of love!
Our Librarians
We have a great volunteer staff. Our librarians do weekly rotations. If you see any of them, say hello and share your favorite author or book!
Jennifer Creech
Mary Beth Croft
Susie DeLong
Margaret Hindley
Mary Hittner
Julie Madisen
Nancy Maguire
Susan McCrocklin
Jackie Moniak
Beth Pallen
Pam Saupe
Cathy Snyder
Lorrie Stillwagon
Evelyn Thompson
Katherine Van Leeuwen
Mimi Watrous
Frances Wood
John Wood
We are so lucky to have your donated books in our library. It’s a wonderful resource that is used by so many and a valuable part of all our community has to offer. If you have not visited, come check out your POA library located next to the POA office! Check out The Beacon each month for library updates, book and author recommendations and much more! If you have read a great book recently, feel free to reach out to me and I will post your recommendation in our newsletter. If you have any questions, comments, or author/book recommendations, contact me, Mary Beth Croft marybethcroft@gmail.com.